[Tex/LaTex] Undefined control sequence (\resetOptions) error


Would someone kindly help what's causing the following error:

! Undefined control sequence.
\resetOptions ->\@zero 
                       =0\def \pst@linetype {0}\pstScalePoints (1,1){}{}\pss...
l.1900 \resetOptions

! Emergency stop.
\resetOptions ->\@zero 
                       =0\def \pst@linetype {0}\pstScalePoints (1,1){}{}\pss...
l.1900 \resetOptions


    \documentclass[english, landscape, a4paper]{slides}






Best Answer

Your PSTricks files are not up to date. You can run the TeXLIve manager when using TeXLive or the MiKTeX manager when running MiKTeX or get all current files from http://texnik.dante.de There you'll find all files or a tarzip which has all files in a TeX Directory Structure saved. You can simply copy all files over your current directory structure, run texhash and all should then be fine.