[Tex/LaTex] Typesetting Math and Text Commands


In your opinion, what is the best way to place things like symbols next to names, if some symbols are meant for text and you have to be in mathmode to use the exponent functionality? What is the command for that specific cross at the end of the name? I checked and found \Cross of the marvosym package, but it was much more bold and shorter to my eyes then the one below.

Also a slightly better title would be appreciated if someone thinks of one.


Best Answer

It's not necessary to go into math mode (explicitly) in order to typeset text symbols: the relevant command is \textsuperscript.

For example, your authors can be

Jun Zheng\textsuperscript{\textdagger},
Suhail Saquib\textsuperscript{\textasteriskcentered},

and the first affiliation

\makebox[0pt][r]{\textsuperscript{\textdagger}}Department of
  Electrical Engineering ...

(the zero width box is to avoid the superscript participating in the centering, which is usually what's desired).

You might want to have a look at the package authblk for automating this kind of author and affiliation typesetting.