[Tex/LaTex] Typeset Chinese Calligraphy Characters


Does LaTeX allow me to typeset Chinese calligraphy – styled characters such as the following? If so, how? Is there a font similar to the one used by this example?

enter image description here

Best Answer

The 4 basic typefaces for typography are 宋 (or 明), 黑, 楷, 仿宋, where 楷 is the calligraphic one.

A set of free OpenType fonts for Simplified Chinese, Fandol fonts, are available in CTAN (TeX Live, MiKTeX).

% !TeX encoding = UTF-8
% !TeX program = xelatex
\kaishu 楷书 (FandolKai-Regular)

\bkai 楷書 (AR PL KaitiM Big5)

enter image description here

For Traditional Chinese, 文鼎 (Arphic) published a free 中楷 font (AR PL KaitiM Big5), which is available in most Linux distributions.

enter image description here

There are also a lot of commercial Chinese calligraphic typefaces, but you need to buy the fonts. For example, there is a collection of fonts distributed with Chinese version of Microsoft Office.

\CJKfontspec{STXingkai} 华文行楷 (STXingkai)

\CJKfontspec{FZShuTi} 方正舒体 (FZShuTi)

enter image description here