[Tex/LaTex] Chinese characters


In an article mostly in English in one quotation there are a few words in Chinese characters. Using the xecjk package for xelatex they mostly get displayed, but two of the word contain characters getting replaced by an F in a box. Now not knowing Chinese I don't really understand how to proceed, maybe change the font, or maybe do something about the characters? The default font seems to be Fandol, but I'm getting a message of it missing CJK script, although I'd guess that's not really related to my problem:

* fontspec warning: "script-not-exist"
* Font 'FandolSong-Regular' does not contain script 'CJK'.

Anyway, here my example:

%\setCJKmainfont{SimSun}%this font is not installed, but it seems xeCJK happily uses a default.
This is a document mostly in English, but containing a few words in Chinese characters.



Compiling to:

Chinese characters sample

Best Answer

The characters 豊 and 瞋 are rather uncommon in everyday use so I guess that's why they are not included in the default font. You need to pick a font that has these two characters. Personally I prefer Microsoft JhengHei for traditional Chinese and Microsoft YaHei for simplified, these two fonts should be available if you are using Windows.


\setCJKmainfont{Microsoft JhengHei UI}

\setCJKfamilyfont{YaHei}{Microsoft YaHei UI}

    This is a document mostly in English, but containing a few words in Chinese characters.






enter image description here