[Tex/LaTex] Two figures side-by-side with inequal height and aligned captions

captionsfloatsvertical alignment

I have an addition to this question: Two figures side by side.

Suppose we have two pictures, making them of uneven height. I am looking for a way to not use subfig and align two figures side-by-side, while keeping the captions vertically aligned.

I've created the following example:

\title{Two Figures Side by Side}
\author{Little Bobby Tables}

\path node (LL) {}
    ++ (0.8\textwidth, 0.8\textheight) node (UR) {}
    (LL -| UR) node (LR) {}
    (LL |- UR) node (UL) {};
\draw (LL) rectangle (UR) (LL) -- (UR) (UL) -- (LR);

\path node (LL) {}
    ++ (0.8\textwidth, 0.4\textheight) node (UR) {}
    (LL -| UR) node (LR) {}
    (LL |- UR) node (UL) {};
\draw (LL) rectangle (UR) (LL) -- (UR) (UL) -- (LR);
How can I put two figures side-by-side? Not two sub-figures, but two actual figures
with separate "Fig.: bla bla" captions. A figure is supposed to spread over the
entire text width, but I have two figures which are narrow and long, and I need to
save the space in order to withstand the pages limit.


\caption{first figure but with more comments than the second picture to see what the different is.}
\caption{second figure}



It gives the following result:

wrong alignment

But I need this:

right alignment

Best Answer

Use the [t] optional argument of minipage to align both to the top baseline (i.e. the image baseline / lower line). I also added %s to your macros to avoid extra spaces being inserted by the source code line breaks.


\path node (LL) {}
    ++ (0.8\textwidth, 0.8\textheight) node (UR) {}
    (LL -| UR) node (LR) {}
    (LL |- UR) node (UL) {};
\draw (LL) rectangle (UR) (LL) -- (UR) (UL) -- (LR);

\path node (LL) {}
    ++ (0.8\textwidth, 0.4\textheight) node (UR) {}
    (LL -| UR) node (LR) {}
    (LL |- UR) node (UL) {};
\draw (LL) rectangle (UR) (LL) -- (UR) (UL) -- (LR);
How can I put two figures side-by-side? Not two sub-figures, but two actual figures
with separate "Fig.: bla bla" captions. A figure is supposed to spread over the
entire text width, but I have two figures which are narrow and long, and I need to
save the space in order to withstand the pages limit.


\caption{first figure but with more comments than the second picture to see what the different is.}
\caption{second figure}

