[Tex/LaTex] Two column align environment with one line spanning both columns


Is there a good/correct way of making an align environment with one line spanning multiple columns?

At the moment I'm using a hack like the following, but I feel that it's probably not the best way.


 L1C1 &= 1234 \,,&     L1C2 &= abcd \,,\\
 L2C1 &= 1234 \,,&     L2C2 &= efgh \,,\\
 L3 &= 1234567890abcdefghijklmnop \ . \hspace{-30cm}

the result of above code

Best Answer

this is also a hack, but it will give the desired result.

use \rlap to "hide" the width of the overlong line. for the example given, i would do this for the last line:

L3 &= 1234567890\rlap{$abcdefghijklmnop \ .$}

you might even want to put some extra space after that to get the desired separation; just look at the output to see what's needed.

most lines of math contain reasonable places where one can break without damage.

In a comment, @user2478 has suggested using \mathrlap; requires mathtools. (Yes, this is better than plain \rlap.)