[Tex/LaTex] turn off frame number in certain slides using the beamer package


I'm preparing a presentation and I would like to have transition slides without any noise, so I want to remove even the frame number (which I need for non-transition slides).

I modified the footer of the slides such that I insert the frame number instead of the page number:


How can I turn off the frame number in these transitions slides.

The full MWE is as follows.

\documentclass[xcolor=dvipsnames, fleqn, usenames, table]{beamer}


\mode<presentation> {



% comment to show navigation bar




% transition slide
   {\color{blue} Transition} 



Best Answer

I also had a custom footers and using a combination of both plain and noframenumbering worked for me. This removes any footnotes and does not increase the frame increment.

% Custom numbering for the footline
        Super cool content.
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