[Tex/LaTex] special circled frame number in beamer


Is it possible to customize frame number like figure below?enter image description here

Best Answer

Below I present two options:





    (0,0) -- (0:\radius) arc  (0:360:\radius) -- cycle;
    (0,0) -- (90:\radius) arc  (90:90-\insertframenumber*\aux:\radius) -- cycle;
  \node[font=\color{white}] at (0,0) {\strut\Large\insertframenumber};






enter image description here

The second fancier option (this might take longer to process for a presentation with many frames):





  \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay,rotate=90+\aux]
  \foreach \i in {0,1,...,\thetotavalue}
      (0,0) -- (-\i*\aux:\radius) arc  (-\i*\aux:-(\i+1)*\aux+\step:\radius) -- cycle;
  \foreach \i in {1,...,\insertframenumber}
      (0,0) -- (-\i*\aux:\radius) arc  (-\i*\aux:-(\i+1)*\aux+\step:\radius) -- cycle;
  \fill[white] circle (\radius/2);
  \node at (0,0) {\large\insertframenumber}; 






enter image description here