[Tex/LaTex] Trouble submitting paper to arXiv – amsart issues


I just attempted to submit a paper to the arXiv. Unfortunately, they would not accept a .pdf and insisted on the LaTeX source code. I uploaded the LaTeX source code along with three figures in .pdf format (that may be part of the problem: see below). When I clicked on the "view paper" button, the first page had a message like this:

"La- TeX Er- ror: Miss- ing doc- u- mentSee the La- TeX man- ual or La- TeX Com- pan- ion for ex- pla- na- tion.You’re in trou- ble here. Try typ- ing ¡re- turn¿ to pro- ceed.If that doesn’t work, type X ¡re- turn¿ to quit.1111111".

That message was squeezed into the left part of the page. Everything after that looked fine.

I couldn't find a solution for my problem in the arXiv's FAQ's, so I e-mailed them. They promptly replied that:

"The first page of the PDF is a common error. Please note arXiv is a fully automated electronic repository. For more information on the issue please see:

Amsart with algorithm2e introduces extraneous text into pdf file with Texlive 2011 "

I did read that link. However, I'm not sure it addresses my problem, for several reasons. First, the paper compiles fine on my own computer (using MikTeX, TexNicCenter, and Windows). Second, I am not using "algorithm2e" at all, at least not knowingly. Third, that Stack Exchange post is over two years old. I installed brand new versions of MikTeX and TexNicCenter today.

EDIT: I created a mini-version of my file that works fine on my own computer:

 Let $\theta \in (0,1]$ and
$\alpha \in [\theta^2/2,\theta)$.  Let $P$ and $S$ be points on $S$ separated by arc length $\theta$.  Let $Q$ and $R$ lie on the arc
$\stackrel{\textstyle\frown}{QR}$ having arc length $\alpha$,
$\stackrel{\textstyle\frown}{PQ}$ and
having equal arc length, and $Q$ between $P$ and $R$.  Let $T$ and $U$ lie on the chord
${\overline {PS}}$, chosen such that $\triangle PQT$ and $\triangle RSU$ are right triangles.  Then $\triangle PQT$ and $\triangle RSU$ have disjoint closures.

This compiles fine on my own computer. I had used \usepackage{arcs}, but a commenter pointed out that my arc-like commands did not require the arcs package at all, and I have heard that package is bugged, so I will remove \userpackage{arcs}. Another commenter suggested that I needed to include a line that forces the .pdf images to be handled correctly (I don't remember the comment exactly, and I can't see it and type this answer at the same time). I will include that line.

FINAL EDIT: I followed the advice of several commenters below and it seems to have worked. I submitted the paper and it looked fine when I previewed it, so I submitted it.

Best Answer

By default, arXiv tries to compile your document using the regular latex command, which does not support PDF figures. To override this behavior, you can put \pdfoutput=1 as the first line of your main *.tex file. This forces arXiv to use pdflatex to compile your document. Note that in such case your paper will be available only in PDF format (there will be no PostScript version).

An alternative solution is to provide all figures in EPS format. Then arXiv will first use the regular latex to produce a PostScript version of your paper, and then convert it to PDF.

I usually go for only the PDF version for several reasons:

  • it is often a pain to produce pictures in EPS format (you might get some undesirable artifacts or loose transparency effects);
  • the regular latex does not know how to break long URLs (which might make your references look ugly), whereas pdflatex has no problem with it;
  • I don't use the PS format myself and I don't know anyone who would use it on a regular basis, so there is very little benefit of having it.

However, for some reason many journals still require you to submit pictures in EPS format (even though they produce a PDF file in the end), so you might eventually still need to do it.