[Tex/LaTex] Title page plus table of contents

page-breakingtable of contentstitles

I am writing a paper for my candidacy exam. I am using book class, but I want my name and the title to appear on the first page with the Table of Contents instead of appearing in a sepearte page. How can I do that?

Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

there are several possible solutions:

  • Use a different class. article or scrartcl would be good place to start. Can not remember if a report class would do what you want.

  • Redefine \maketitle

        \sffamily\LARGE \@author \\
        \Huge \@title \\
        \normalfont \@date \\
        %include any more variables, which are needed for a title page.

    This should redefine \maketitle, so that it would be possible to put \tableofcontents on the same page. You should play a bit more to get the spacings right. On how to create custom title pages you should read the LaTeX Wikibook

    EDIT: I edited it to fix some silly typos, but It did not achieve what was wanted. the command Table of Contents is clearing a double page, which is making everything worse.

    Take a glimpse to the KOMA Script document classes, the scrbook class is much more flexible and it might be possible to customize it to fit your requirements without implementing any ugly hacks.