Includes titles in table of contents

table of contentstitles

I am using the article class and I am using the \title command to create titles for each chapter. I could use \chapter with the book class, but I prefer to use article class.

So, for instance, for the introduction I would write:

\title{\underline{\textbf{Chapter 1}} \bigskip \bigskip \break 

For sections and subsections I use the usual \section and \subsection commands.

Given this, how can I include titles in the table of contents?

Right now I make the table of contents appear using:

\renewcommand*\contentsname{Table of contents}

This produces a table of contents ignoring chapters.

I want it to look as follows:

Table of contents (title of page)

    Table of contents....................iii
    List of tables.......................vii  
    List of figures......................vii  
    Chapter 1. Introduction................1  
       1.1. Section Title..................4
       1.2. Section Title.................14
       1.3. Section Title.................24
           1.3.1. Subsection title........26
           1.3.2. Subsection title........29
    Chapter 2. Chapter 2 Title here.......40

I tried to use \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter} but unsuccessfully

Note that as it stands the Acknowledgements title is also created with \title and the corresponding section appears before the table of contents.

Best Answer

This is a wrong approach. Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to \title what belongs to \title (that is, the title of the document and nothig else).

What you show is the ToC of a book, not of an article, with chapters, and a front matter with roman numerals, etc. Force to the article class to behave like a book is against nature.

A better approach is to use the memoir class and simply add the option article to format the chapters like the sections, without having to do anything else. Moreover, this class is very customizable, so you can change the ToC exactly as you showed without the help of extra packages. Example:


\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of contents} 
\tableofcontents* % * = No sense show the ToC in the ToC ...
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