[Tex/LaTex] title of sub plots with ybar groupplots


I tried to use groupplots to arrange several bar plots but the titles are drawn on top of the axis labels of the plot above. Am I doing something wrong here?



    \begin{groupplot}[group style={group size=2 by 2},width=0.45\textwidth,ybar]
      \nextgroupplot[title=title 1-1]
        \addplot coordinates { (1,1) (42,23)};
      \nextgroupplot[title=title 1-2]
        \addplot coordinates { (1,1) (42,23)};
      \nextgroupplot[title=title 2-1]
        \addplot coordinates { (1,1) (42,23)};
      \nextgroupplot[title=title 2-2]
        \addplot coordinates { (1,1) (42,23)};

Titles of sub plots

Edit: maybe I should also mention why I'm specifically asking for ybar plots. I tried the same example without the ybar and the spacing was different. The title fits below the axis label without this option but the spacing still looked off. Anyway, I need bar plots so I cannot remove this option.

Best Answer

Use the vertical sep=<length> option to increase the vertical spacing:



    \begin{groupplot}[group style={group size=2 by 2,vertical sep= 1.5cm},width=0.45\textwidth,ybar]
      \nextgroupplot[title=title 1-1]
        \addplot coordinates { (1,1) (42,23)};
      \nextgroupplot[title=title 1-2]
        \addplot coordinates { (1,1) (42,23)};
      \nextgroupplot[title=title 2-1]
        \addplot coordinates { (1,1) (42,23)};
      \nextgroupplot[title=title 2-2]
        \addplot coordinates { (1,1) (42,23)};

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