[Tex/LaTex] Title in box in Beamer presentation


1)How to put the title on the titlepage in Beamer to a block of a desired color? Similarly like in themes Warsaw, Berlin…
2)How to control space between author and date? \vspace seems does not work.

1) I use this


But I want teh box only around TITLE . How can I do this?

Best Answer

You can redefine the title page template and introduce the necessary modifications for the layout; this redefinition is needed since both the title and the subtitle are, by deafult, inside the same beamercolorbox so simply redefining the title beamer color would produce a box around both title and subtitle (which is not wanted here):




\setbeamertemplate{title page}
    \vskip-1em\par % change here




enter image description here

Notice that now there's no need to use \title[TITLE]{TITLE\includegraphics{...}} but now you can simply use \title{TITLE} and \titlegraphic{\includegraphics[]{}}`. Of course, feel free to make the necessary adjutments according to your particular needs (yo can play with the lengths in the \vskip commands to adjust vertical spacing).

As requested in a comment, to have a colored box around only the subtitle, the necessary modifications are the following:



\setbeamertemplate{title page}
    \vskip-1em\par % change here




enter image description here

With a new request, here's the code to change at will the width of the box used for the subtitle; change the length used for \subtitwd (initially set to 4cm) according to your needs:


\setlength\subtitwd{4cm}% change the width here

\setbeamertemplate{title page}
    \vskip-1em\par % change here





enter image description here