[Tex/LaTex] TikZ silhouette of human face seen from the side


I am trying to make this picture in TikZ.camera lens angles

I wondered if anyone had already needed a silhouette of a human face, and therefore maybe had some code for a plot or something.

Just in case anyone had something 🙂

Best Answer

Based on Mark Wibrow's answer, but I took your image and traced it in Inkscape, then used the coordinates from the SVG file (opening it in a text editor and finding the list of coordinates of the only path in the file).

\begin{tikzpicture}[line width=1pt,scale=0.5]
\fill svg {m 182.9096,88.444477 c -2.34429,1.69819 -10.69606,9.25471 -18.55947,16.792243 -7.86342,7.53754 -16.72662,15.1454 -19.69601,16.90634 -7.33508,4.34996 -14.02508,6.06658 -17.91723,4.59746 -2.00784,-0.75788 -2.98165,-0.78599 -2.98165,-0.0861 0,0.57166 2.33047,5.34959 5.17882,10.61764 2.84835,5.26804 5.75892,12.07374 6.46793,15.12377 1.28283,5.51846 1.27227,5.57377 -2.16451,11.34315 -4.64576,7.79891 -7.006,16.47149 -9.04463,33.23394 -1.61026,13.24024 -1.60989,14.3682 0.007,20 2.48668,8.66344 5.58653,13.38376 13.7567,20.94808 11.40993,10.56384 21.06008,14.49507 35.73057,14.55575 5.40602,0.0224 9.49121,0.55022 11.0685,1.43021 1.75239,0.97768 4.33986,1.22561 8.65248,0.82907 4.58387,-0.42148 7.45696,-0.0966 11.26901,1.27416 4.84354,1.74171 5.27047,1.74894 8.00181,0.1355 1.58691,-0.93741 4.16585,-1.71257 5.73099,-1.72258 3.48723,-0.0223 9.95739,-4.30336 17.60297,-11.6472 l 5.76308,-5.53566 -2.04932,-2.64947 c -1.12713,-1.4572 -3.13387,-4.22446 -4.45942,-6.14946 l -2.4101,-3.5 1.85934,-10.5 c 1.02264,-5.775 2.52292,-12.61144 3.33396,-15.1921 1.29344,-4.11561 1.29523,-4.9482 0.0146,-6.77656 -1.36003,-1.94171 -0.97548,-2.76311 5.6153,-11.99444 9.14064,-12.80275 9.17529,-14.61145 0.32531,-16.97766 -4.03704,-1.07938 -4.24923,-1.3223 -4.23469,-4.84777 0.008,-2.0413 0.43566,-4.37618 0.94941,-5.18862 0.63908,-1.01062 0.42737,-2.03709 -0.6703,-3.25 -1.47463,-1.62945 -1.46541,-1.92642 0.11404,-3.67169 1.6304,-1.80157 1.61488,-1.9714 -0.30292,-3.31467 -1.91958,-1.34453 -1.94795,-1.65973 -0.56345,-6.26008 2.05729,-6.83587 1.88174,-7.9346 -1.91017,-11.9552 -3.18261,-3.37455 -3.7217,-3.5712 -9.7899,-3.5712 -3.532,0 -9.10387,0.72919 -12.38192,1.62043 -10.41466,2.83154 -9.82692,2.90075 -12.88895,-1.51776 -1.74758,-2.52176 -3.00238,-5.86359 -3.31549,-8.82999 -0.27709,-2.62497 -1.29173,-5.67268 -2.25476,-6.77268 -3.06651,-3.50263 -4.17031,-6.546563 -4.84401,-13.358233 -0.5603,-5.66516 -0.95709,-6.68474 -2.69853,-6.93402 -1.1229,-0.16073 -3.9597,1.09719 -6.30399,2.79539 z};

\draw[dashed] (8.5,6.6) --++ (1.5,0);



By the way, in the image you want to recreate, the camera viewfinder seems to be positioned too high (pointing to his eyebrows). I fixed it in my example.

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