[Tex/LaTex] TikZ: shift node text horizontally


I expect this is either a duplicate or a silly question, but after some looking (30 mins+) I haven't found an easy answer. I didn't find this question particularly helpful, despite the title.

What's the most straightforward/idiomatic way to shift the text for the node West a little to the left, so that there's a reasonable gap between the text for nodes West and East? I would like to keep the text for the node East where it is, and for all the arrows to retain their present orientation.

enter image description here

I thought I might be able to use xshift, as mentioned here, but I wasn't able to make that work. Maybe this is because West is the node relative to which the others are placed?


\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm, auto]
  \node (West) {
    $\Gamma \vdash A, B, C, D, E, F, G$
  \node (North) [right of=West, above of=West] {
  \node (South) [below of=West, right of=West] {
  \node (East) [right of=North, below of=North] {
    $\Delta \vdash I, J, K, L, M$
  \draw[->] (West) to node [yshift=-1ex] {$f$} (North);
  \draw[->] (West) to node [yshift=1ex,swap] {$g$} (South);
  \draw[dotted,->] (North) to node [yshift=-1ex] {$f'$} (East);
  \draw[dotted,->] (South) to node [yshift=1ex,swap] {$g'$} (East);

Best Answer

Just add \hspace{-2em} to the node text for West.

enter image description here


\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm, auto]
  \node (West) {
    \hspace{-2em}$\Gamma \vdash A, B, C, D, E, F, G$
  \node (North) [right of=West, above of=West] {
  \node (South) [below of=West, right of=West] {
  \node (East) [right of=North, below of=North] {
    $\Delta \vdash I, J, K, L, M$
  \draw[->] (West) to node [yshift=-1ex] {$f$} (North);
  \draw[->] (West) to node [yshift=1ex,swap] {$g$} (South);
  \draw[dotted,->] (North) to node [yshift=-1ex] {$f'$} (East);
  \draw[dotted,->] (South) to node [yshift=1ex,swap] {$g'$} (East);