[Tex/LaTex] Tikz Pie Charts


Is there a way to make a pie chart with Tikz so that the labels are not numbers (e.g. 30/70 in my example) but the labels are displayed as variables (e.g. omega and 1- omega)?

Here is what I currently have:

    \pie{30/Stock, 70/Bond}

enter image description here

I do not want it to say 30/70, and want to be able to label it with a Greek letter instead.

Best Answer

To answer your original question, I don't know if there is any built-in method in pgf-pie to have only textual labels and not the numbers, but it is possible to patch the macro responsible for making a slice to achieve that:

output of first code with pgf-pie

\patchcmd{\pgfpie@slice}% this is the macro we're patching
{\scalefont{#3}\shortstack{#4\\\beforenumber#3\afternumber}}% find this
{\scalefont{#3}#4}% and replace with this
    \pie[text=inside]{30/$\omega$, 70/$1-\omega$}

If you want to use the code from the example Alan mentioned, you'll need to modify it to use a third loop variable, for defining the colour. I indicated in the code where I made modifications.

output of code

% Original code from http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/pie-chart/
% by Robert Vollmert
\newcommand{\slice}[5]{% changed 4 to 5, fifth argument to define colour

  % slice
  % add #5 after fill=
  \draw[thick,fill=#5] (0,0) -- (#1:1) arc (#1:#2:1) -- cycle;

  % outer label
  \node[label=\midangle:#4] at (\midangle:1) {};

  % inner label
  \pgfmathparse{max(\temp,-0.5) + 0.8}
  \node at (\midangle:\innerpos) {#3};


% add third loop variable for colour
\foreach \p/\t/\clr in {30/$\omega$/blue!20, 70/$1-\omega$/red!30}
          {\t}{}{\clr} % added fifth argument, {\clr}


Finally, for a simple two-part pie here is one way of doing it from scratch.

output of code

\filldraw[draw=black,fill=blue!30] (0,0) -- (0:2cm) arc[start angle=0,end angle=120,radius=2cm] -- cycle;
\filldraw[draw=black,fill=red!30] (0,0) -- (120:2cm) arc[start angle=120,end angle=360,radius=2cm] -- cycle;
\node at (60:1cm) {$\omega$};
\node at (240:1cm) {$1-\omega$};
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