[Tex/LaTex] TikZ picture on the entire frame in beamer without using overlays


I have a beamer presentation with several TikZ diagrams that spread across the entire frame, i.e., use the full screen size. I am using the overlay option to make sure the picture captures the entire frame:

\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]

The problem is that these diagrams are messed up on the notes pages, that can't align them properly.

Is there a way to make a TikZ picture spread across the full page? I tried using a node that is as large as the entire frame, but it was displayed with some margin between it and the top and left edges of the frame.


When not using an overlay or background template, the result is shifted to the right:

    \node[minimum width=\paperwidth, minimum height=\paperheight, anchor=north west] (a) {};
    \draw [very thick] (a.north west) -- (a.south east);
    \draw [very thick] (a.north east) -- (a.south west);

The X is not on from the corners

Best Answer

If you wrap your tikzpicture in \makebox[\textwidth][c]{...}, the picture will be properly centered and stretch across the whole width.



    \node[minimum width=\paperwidth, minimum height=\paperheight, anchor=north west] (a) {};
    \draw [very thick] (a.north west) -- (a.south east);
    \draw [very thick] (a.north east) -- (a.south west);
