[Tex/LaTex] TikZ node pin angle in 2D plot


I would like to rotate the pin corresponding to the point -3.09% to the left, but when I increase the angle past 87, it snaps to 90 and the minus sign gets in the ticks and even at 87, it doesn't look like 87 degrees (probably snapped to a lower angle). Is there a way to remove the angle snap? Here is my figure:

\begin{axis}[clip=false,xmin=0,xmax=14,ymin=-70,ymax=20,major tick style={black},minor tick style={thin,black},minor x tick num=0,minor y tick num=4]
\draw[black](axis cs:0,0) -- (axis cs:14,0);
\addplot[color=blue,solid] coordinates {
\addplot+[blue,mark=o,only marks]coordinates {
node[pos=0,pin=10:${-}61.59$\%] {}
node[pos=0.1,pin=87:${-}3.09$\%] {}
node[pos=0.15,pin=290:${-}6.52$\%] {}
node[pos=0.2,pin=75:$2.55$\%] {}
node[pos=1,pin=210:${-}0.75$\%] {};

Best Answer

Here is a customization of the answer that I took from How can I force TikZ pin angle? .

Replacing the problematic code with the following

node[pos=0.1,pin={[inner sep=0pt,label={[inner ep=0pt,xshift=-5mm]80:${-}3.09$\%}]80:{}}] {}


enter image description here

A bit of explanation of this code:

Labels are themselves are nodes so usual settings apply directly. However, skipping the cause of the problem and referring to the linked question, we need to put an empty label (which is a node) and then label that one again with Jake's neat idea. But keep in mind that you have to change the angle in both occasions (80 right now). Then because the pin points to the empty node we have to further shift its own label to the left by xshift=-5mm, you can adjust for your needs for that extra space you mentioned. The rest is hopefully relatively easy to understand.

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