TikZ – In/Out Angle vs. Bezier Controls


In the figure below, I would like both segments to have the upward arrow that's currently in the left-hand segment, but I would also like both segments to have the nice round shape that's currently in the right-hand segment.

enter image description here

MWE code:



    \tikzstyle{smallnode}=[circle, inner sep=0mm, outer sep=0mm, minimum size=2mm, draw=black, fill=black];

    \node[smallnode, label={$i$}] (i)   at (0,0) {};
    \node[smallnode, label=below:{$j$}] (j)     at (1.5,-1) {};
    \node[smallnode, label={$k$}] (k)       at (1.5,0) {};
    \node[smallnode, label=below:{$l$}] (l)     at (0,-1) {};

    \draw (i) to[out=180, in=180, edge node={node [sloped,below] {$\leftarrow$}}] (l);
    \draw (k) .. controls ($ (k) +(2,1)$) and ($ (j) +(2,-1)$) .. (j);


My problem is that using out/in angles, as in the left segment, doesn't allow flexibility in how "rounded" the curve appears, though it does make it very easy to add the arrow. On the other hand, using Bezier curves, as in the left segment, doesn't seem to allow edge nodes (or does it? — I tried

\draw (k) to[out=180, in=180, edge node={node [sloped,below] {$\leftarrow$}}] 
          .. controls ($ (k) +(2,1)$) and ($ (j) +(2,-1)$) .. (j);

and a few other syntaxes but couldn't get it).

By the way, I'm a pretty new TikZ user, so if I'm doing anything else silly in this code, please let me know!

Best Answer

My final code, based on @Manuel's suggestion:



    \tikzstyle{smallnode}=[circle, inner sep=0mm, outer sep=0mm, minimum size=2mm, draw=black, fill=black];

    \node[smallnode, label={$i$}] (i)   at (0,0) {};
    \node[smallnode, label=below:{$j$}] (j)     at (1.5,-1) {};
    \node[smallnode, label={$k$}] (k)       at (1.5,0) {};
    \node[smallnode, label=below:{$l$}] (l)     at (0,-1) {};

    \draw (i) to[out=150, in=210, looseness=4, edge node={node [sloped,below] {$\leftarrow$}}] (l);
    \draw (k) to[out=30, in=-30, looseness=4, edge node={node [sloped,above] {$\leftarrow$}}] (j);



enter image description here