TikZ-PGF – How to Extend the Curve Beyond the Points in TikZ


This example shows to draw some extra curve after the points by trial and error method.

Is there a specific tikz command to do it?


\coordinate (n_3) at (1,1);
\coordinate (h_1) at (1.5,3);
\fill[blue] (n_3) circle (2pt);
\fill[blue] (h_1) circle (2pt);
%Left curve
\draw (n_3) to [bend right=5](h_1);
\draw (n_3) -- ++(-0.2,-0.5);
\draw (h_1) -- ++(0.1,0.5);

Blue dots are used to draw the curve. Now how to extend the curve after the blue dots?

Best Answer

Using shorten > = <negative length> and shorten < = <negative length> will extend the curve with curved line segments. If the distances are short, and the curvature is small, this might be all you need, however, as Altermundus pointed out, if your curvature is large, the line will not pass through the defined points any more.


\coordinate (n_3) at (1,1);
\coordinate (h_1) at (3,1.5);
\fill[blue] (n_3) circle (2pt);
\fill[blue] (h_1) circle (2pt);
%Left curve
\draw [shorten >=-0.4cm,shorten <=-0.4cm] (n_3) to [bend right=5](h_1);