[Tex/LaTex] TikZ: How to draw an helicoid and fill area below curve


I am trying to draw an helicoid and to fill the area below the curve. Since the aim of the figure is just to "give an idea", I would prefer to keep it simple and to avoid using PGFplots and GNUplot — with which I am not familiar.

Referring to the MWE below, I drew the curve and the shading, but the latter does not seem right for negative values of x, i.e. the horizontal direction. Thus I am asking how to make it right.

Moreover, I would like to draw lines starting from the axis of the helicoid, i.e. the z axis in TikZ coordinate system, to the corresponding point on the helicoid itself. The piece of code I commented out should serve this purpose, but it does not work as it is now.

Can someone help me?

  \draw [name path=E-wave] [red,thick,->] plot [domain=0:13,samples=100] ({sin(\x r)},{cos(\x r)},\x);
  \fill [red,fill opacity=0.2] (0,0,0) -- plot [domain=0:13,samples=100] ({sin(\x r)},{cos(\x r)},\x) -- (0,0,13) -- cycle;
  %\foreach [evaluate={\xpos=1.1*sin(\zpos*180/pi);\ypos=1.1*cos(\zpos*180/pi);}] \zpos in {0,0.25*pi,...,4*pi} {
  %  \path [name path=mgntd] (0,0,\zpos) --  (\xpos,\ypos,\zpos);
  %  \draw [name intersections={of=E-wave and mgntd,by={isect\zpos}}] (0,0,\zpos) -- (isect\zpos);
  \draw [->] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,14.5);

enter image description here

Best Answer

The main problem was that step was too small to be recognized by the intersections library (some ideas are written in the comment section). We also needed to correct a coefficient of 1.1 to get arrowheads back on the curve. The presented layout is in a way similar to this one, http://i.stack.imgur.com/mcmob.png.

%! *latex mal-helicoid.tex

\tikzset{malstyle/.style={->,>=stealth, line width=0.2pt},
  malarrow/.style={->, >=stealth}}

% The curve drawing and filling...
\draw [name path=Ewave] [red, thick, ->, fill, fill opacity=0.2] (0,0,0) -- plot [domain=0:12.5664, samples=100] ({sin(\x r)}, {cos(\x r)}, \x) -- (0,0,12.5664) --cycle;
%\fill [red, fill opacity=0.2] (0,0,0) -- plot [domain=0:12.5664, samples=100] ({sin(\x r)},{cos(\x r)},\x) -- (0,0,12.5664) -- cycle;

% Adding all kind of arrows...
\foreach [ evaluate={\xpos=sin(\zpos*180/pi); \ypos=cos(\zpos*180/pi);} ]
   \zpos in {0, 0.2618, ..., 12.5664} 
  {% Beginning of \foreach...
  \draw[malstyle, black] (0,0,\zpos) -- (\xpos, \ypos, \zpos);
  \draw[malstyle, black!40] (0,0,0) --  (\xpos, \ypos, 0);
  \draw[malstyle, green] (0,0,\zpos) --  (\xpos, 0, \zpos);
  \draw[malstyle, blue] (0,0,\zpos) --  (0, \ypos, \zpos);
  }% End of \foreach...

% Drawing the axis... (positive and negative values)
% positive
\draw [malarrow] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,14.5) node[xshift=5, yshift=15] {$z$};
\draw [malarrow] (0,0,0) -- (0,2,0) node[xshift=-5, yshift=-10] {$y$};
\draw [malarrow] (0,0,0) -- (2,0,0) node[xshift=-10, yshift=-5] {$x$};
% negative
\draw[dashed] (0,0,0)--(-2,0,0)  (0,0,0)--(0,-2,0)  (0,0,0)--(0,0,-4);


mwe, my fifth and hopefully the last attempt :-)

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