[Tex/LaTex] Tikz figure in Beamer shifting way to the right of the frame


I'm trying to include a tikz drawing into a Beamer slide. When I do it like this:


the image is way too big. I tried this:


and the image gets shrunk down but it gets shifted way over to the right
of the slide. It's so far over that part of the image goes off the right of the slide. If I make the resize box a little bigger the image actually slides all the way off the right side. If I make it small the shrunken image moves back over to the left.

I tried to create a standalone document with the smartservice-diagram.tex and using the \resizebox and it works just fine (no extra white space on the left of the diagram). So it looks like something with Beamer that I'm missing.

Any idea what I have wrong?

EDIT: This is not only beamer exclusive, it happens simply using resizebox or also scalebox. I put it inside a figure, but outside a figure also fails. I attach a MWE:

\tikzstyle{scheme} = [draw = black, fill = black!10, thin, rectangle, minimum width = 15pt, minimum height = 10pt]
  \node (n1) [scheme] {};
  \node (n2) [scheme, at = (n1.east), right = 12pt] {};
  \node (n3) [scheme, at = (n2.east), right = 12pt] {};
  \node (n4) [scheme, at = (n3.east), right = 12pt] {};

Best Answer

This is most likely just caused by added spaces. You need to add a % if a line ends with { and sometimes also with } to avoid that the line break is taken as a space. Note that \tikzstyle is deprecated and also requires a % after the ] if it is used outside a tikzpicture.

The following doesn't produce any shifting:

\begin{tikzpicture}[scheme/.style={draw = black, fill = black!10, thin, rectangle, minimum width = 15pt, minimum height = 10pt}]
  \node (n1) [scheme] {};
  \node (n2) [scheme, at = (n1.east), right = 12pt] {};
  \node (n3) [scheme, at = (n2.east), right = 12pt] {};
  \node (n4) [scheme, at = (n3.east), right = 12pt] {};

There might be some leading and trailing spaces in the input file as well. Try to add \ignorespaces before and \unskip afterwards.

A further cause might be a paragraph indent which can be removed by placing \noindent before the content. You can also use \begin{adjustbox}{width=\linewidth} .. \end{adjustbox} from the adjustbox package for the scaling. It is more efficient than \resizebox and also allows special content like verbatim. It adds the \noindent by itself to play it save.