[Tex/LaTex] TikZ: Draw different shapes of lp-Norm


I am trying to reproduce the picture below using TikZ.

enter image description here

A similar question was already asked here, but I wasn't able to apply the answers to my problem since I need the exact same picture not only the shapes. I tried to modify the given answers but that didn't lead to anything useful because I don't really understand pgfplots and I'm relatively new to TikZ …

That is what I have done so far.

   \foreach \x in {0,4.5,9,13.5}{
      \draw [->] (-1.2-\x,0)--(2.5-\x,0);
      \draw [->] (0-\x,-1.2)--(0-\x,1.7);
      \draw[shorten <=-1cm, shorten >=-3mm] (0-\x,1)--(2-\x,0) node [midway, above] {$A$};

   \draw[blue] (-10,0)--(-9,1)--(-8,0)--(-9,-1)--cycle;
   \draw [blue](-4.5,0) circle (0.88cm);

   \foreach \x in {0.66}{
      \draw[blue] (-\x,-\x)--(-\x,\x)--(\x,\x)--(\x,-\x)--cycle;



The picture below shows the result. The code is horrific but it is the best I can come up with for now …

p-Norm for p=2/3,1,2,infty

Best Answer

Possibly something like this? It may not be maximally efficient as I started from the code in the question and something which plots each one might provide greater elegance.

   \foreach \i in {0,...,3}{
      \draw [<->] (-1.2,0)--(2.5,0);
      \draw [<->] (0,-1.2)--(0,1.7);
      \draw[shorten <=-1cm, shorten >=-3mm] (0,1)--(2,0) node [midway, above] {$A$};
   \begin{scope}[draw=blue, densely dashed]
     \draw [] (-1,0)--(0,1)--(1,0)--(0,-1)--cycle;
     \draw [](4.5,0) circle (0.88cm);
     \draw [xshift=9cm] (-.66,-.66) rectangle (.66,.66);
       \draw [domain=0:90,samples=100,smooth,variable=\t] plot({-1*cos(\t)^(3)},{1*sin(\t)^(3)});
       \draw [domain=0:90,samples=100,smooth,variable=\t] plot({-1*cos(\t)^(3)},{-1*sin(\t)^(3)});
       \draw [domain=0:90,samples=100,smooth,variable=\t] plot({1*cos(\t)^(3)},{-1*sin(\t)^(3)});
       \draw [domain=0:90,samples=100,smooth,variable=\t] plot({1*cos(\t)^(3)},{1*sin(\t)^(3)});
     \foreach \i [count=\j from 0] in {(0,1),(.39,.79),(.66,.66),(0,1)} \scoped [xshift=\j*4.5cm] { \draw [{Circle[width=3pt, length=3pt, fill=black, black]}-{Circle[width=3pt, length=3pt, fill=black, black]}, shorten <=-1.5pt, shorten >=-1.5pt] (0,0) node [below left] {$x$} -- \i node [above right] {$\hat x$} ; };
   \foreach \i [count=\j from 0] in {1,2,\infty,\frac{1}{2}} \scoped [xshift=\j*4.5cm] { \node [anchor=mid west] at (0,-1.5) {$p=\i$}; };

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