[Tex/LaTex] TikZ diagram, placement of nodes, dotted line


This is my very first TikZ diagram, so please bear with my beginner's ignorance of things that are probably very basic. I'm trying to get a diagram close to the following:

\matrix[matrix of nodes,
    column 1/.style={anchor=east,align=right,color=purple},
    column 2/.style={anchor=center,text centered,align=center},
    column 3/.style={anchor=center,text centered,align=center},
minimum width=2cm,minimum height=2cm] (a) {

row1 & \node[draw]{text1}; & \node[draw]{text2}; \\
row2 & \node[draw]{double\\text3}; & \node[draw]{text4}; \\
{} & \node[anchor=south]{col1}; & \node[anchor=south]{col2}; \\
  \node at (1,2.5) [fill=white!100] {\emph{is}};
  \node at (1,0.5) [fill=white!100] {\emph{is not}};

Which gives me:

enter image description here

Which is almost what I want. But, I was trying to get the column desriptions closer to border of the node above, and couldn't figure it out. I know from the pgf-manual that in order to move it up I have to use the "south" anchor but for some reason it wouldn't move.

The second thing (clarified):
The vertical border between node "text1" and node "text2" should not be drawn and in the row below
the vertical border between node "text3" and node "text4" should be a dotted line.

Any help much appreciated!

Best Answer

After your clarification I would suggest this:

\begin{tikzpicture}[% define styles for row labels and col labels here
    row style/.style={color=purple},%
    col style/.style={},%
\matrix[matrix of nodes,%
    column 1/.style={anchor=center,text centered,align=center},%
    column 2/.style={anchor=center,text centered,align=center},%
    minimum width=2cm,minimum height=2cm] (m) {%
  text1 &  text2 \\
  text3 &  text4 \\
  % column labels
  \node[col style,below=2mm of m-2-1] {col1}; 
  \node[col style,below=2mm of m-2-2] {col2};

  % row labels
  \node[row style,left=2mm of m-1-1] {row1}; 
  \node[row style,left=2mm of m-2-1] {row2};  

  % border around matrix
  \draw (m-1-1.north west) rectangle (m-2-2.south east); 

  % vertical dotted line
  \draw[dotted] (m-2-1.north east) -- (m-2-1.south east);

  % horizontal line
  \draw (m-1-1.south west) -- (m-1-2.south east);

  % place label between text1 and text2
  \node at ($(m-1-1)!.5!(m-1-2)$) [fill=white!100] {\emph{is}};

  % place label between text3 and text4
  \node at ($(m-2-1)!.5!(m-2-2)$) [fill=white!100] {\emph{is not}};  

enter image description here

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