[Tex/LaTex] tikz convert color string to hex value


I wish to convert a color string to hex value in tikz.

\tikzset{box/.style={draw,outer sep=0,minimum size=1cm}}
\foreach \col [count=\i] in {red,orange,yellow,green,cyan,blue,purple} {
    \node[box,yshift=1cm*\i*\dy,fill=\mycol,label=left:\mycol] (main) {ABC};

So I wish show red!40!grey to something like #xxxxxxxx but not show how can do such convert!

Best Answer

Perhaps this (with \extractcolorspecs and \convertcolorspec from the xcolor package, loaded by the tikz package)?

\tikzset{box/.style={draw,outer sep=0,minimum size=1cm}}
\foreach \col [count=\i] in {red,orange,yellow,green,cyan,blue,purple} {
    \node[box,yshift=1cm*\i*\dy,fill=\mycol,label=left:\mycol] (main) {\#\hex};

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