Tikz-cd – Snake Lemma: Adjust ‘Loseness’ and Centered Figures


I have to draw a snake lemma, as here: snake lemma.

The code is

              \cdots \rar   & \Tor_3^A(A, M) \rar & \Tor_3^A(K,M) \rar & \Tor_3^A(K/A,M) \ar[out=0, in=180, looseness=2]{dll}   & \\
                    & \Tor_2^A(A, M) \rar & \Tor_2^A(K,M) \rar & \Tor_2^A(K/A,M) \ar[out=0, in=180, looseness=2]{dll}   & \\
                    & \Tor_1^A(A, M) \rar & \Tor_1^A(K,M) \rar & \Tor_1^A(K/A,M) \ar[out=0, in=180, looseness=2]{dll}   & \\
                    & A \otimes_A M  \rar & K \otimes_A M \rar & K/A\otimes_A M \rar                    & 0

The resulting diagram is shifted on the very right side of the page. The more I increase the value of looseness the more the figure is shifted.

How can I center the figure?

Best Answer

You can add the overlay option to those problematic arrows, so they don't affect the bounding box calculation. I did it in this MWE, now the diagram is centered:

  \cdots \rar   & \Tor_3^A(A, M) \rar & \Tor_3^A(K,M) \rar & \Tor_3^A(K/A,M)
          \ar[out=0, in=180, looseness=2, overlay]{dll}   & \\
        & \Tor_2^A(A, M) \rar & \Tor_2^A(K,M) \rar & \Tor_2^A(K/A,M)
          \ar[out=0, in=180, looseness=2, overlay]{dll}   & \\
        & \Tor_1^A(A, M) \rar & \Tor_1^A(K,M) \rar & \Tor_1^A(K/A,M)
          \ar[out=0, in=180, looseness=2, overlay]{dll}   & \\
        & A \otimes_A M  \rar & K \otimes_A M \rar & K/A\otimes_A M \rar & 0

centered diagram