[Tex/LaTex] tikz arc with -latex arrow tip


Why the arc does not fit over the circle if we use -latex arrow tip? Maybe some bug or some bad math computations?

enter image description here



\draw         (0:1cm) arc (0: 180:1cm) arc (180:0:1cm and 2cm);
\draw         (0:1cm) arc (0:-180:1cm);
\draw[->]     (0:1cm) arc (0:  80:1cm);
\draw[-latex] (0:1cm) arc (0:- 80:1cm);

Best Answer

This is a solution using marking. It does not draw any additional curve. Thus there is no chance to have any curve overlap.



    arrow at end/.style={
            mark=at position .999 with{

\draw                    (0:1cm) arc (0: 180:1cm) arc (180:0:1cm and 2cm);
\draw                    (0:1cm) arc (0:-180:1cm);
\draw[arrow at end=>]    (0:1cm) arc (0:  80:1cm);
\draw[arrow at end=latex](0:1cm) arc (0:- 80:1cm);