[Tex/LaTex] TikZ-3dplot and rotation of coordinates


In the tikz-3dplot documentation (page 15) \tdplotsetmaincoords{a}{b} is suggested to rotate the system of coordinates. But it apparently realizes rotations only about the x and z axes.

How to realize a system of coordinates where x points up, z points right and y points almost "out of the page"? (A rotation about the y axis would be needed).

Despite trying several values of a and b, I didn't obtain this. My code so far (partially derived from this very useful answer):




\draw[-latex] (-7.5,0,0) -- (7.5,0,0)  node[above right]  {$x$};
\draw[-latex] (0,-7.5,0) -- (0,7.5,0)  node[below] {$y$};
\draw[-latex] (0,0,-7.5) -- (0,0,7.5)  node[above left]  {$z$};

\draw[fill=gray,opacity=0.4] (0,-7.5,7.5) -- (0,7.5,7.5) -- (0,7.5,-7.5) -- (0,-7.5,-7.5) -- cycle;
\draw[fill=gray,opacity=0.2] (-7.5,0,-7.5) -- (-7.5,0,7.5) -- (7.5,0,7.5) -- (7.5,0,-7.5) -- cycle;



enter image description here

The z axis should replace the current y axis, the x axis should replace the current z axis, and the y axis should replace the current x axis.

As an additional attempt, I tried \tdplotsetrotatedcoords{0}{40}{0} before the last two draws, but it had no effect at all.

Best Answer

The easiest way to go would be to just relabel the axes in such a way that x points up and so on. But this is probably not what you want. So the way to go is to use rotated coordinates.



\draw[-latex] (-7.5,0,0) -- (7.5,0,0)  node[above right]  {$x$};
\draw[-latex] (0,-7.5,0) -- (0,7.5,0)  node[below] {$y$};
\draw[-latex] (0,0,-7.5) -- (0,0,7.5)  node[above left]  {$z$};
\draw[fill=gray,opacity=0.4] (0,-7.5,7.5) -- (0,7.5,7.5) -- (0,7.5,-7.5) -- (0,-7.5,-7.5) -- cycle;
\draw[fill=gray,opacity=0.2] (-7.5,0,-7.5) -- (-7.5,0,7.5) -- (7.5,0,7.5) -- (7.5,0,-7.5) -- cycle;

enter image description here

First of all, yes, at first sight it is odd that \tdplotsetmaincoords takes only two parameters. If you think a bit more, you realize that, in order to describe a rotation in 3D, you need only two angles. But I agree with you that adjusting the angles in \tdplotsetmaincoords won't allow you to access all possible rotations. That's why I propose using \tdplotsetrotatedcoords. Notice that there are ambiguities, and from the manual it is not clear in which order these rotations are being applied. (More specifically, rotating first about the x-axis and then about the y-axis yields a different result than rotating first about the y-axis and then about the x-axis. That is, the problem is that SO(3) is non-Abelian.) Using these tricks I was so far able to get any desired rotation.