[Tex/LaTex] The caption overlapping with the table and figures


How should I fix the following? The caption overlaps with either of figure and tables.

Results of Ablation Studies: Accuracy of different input settings on KenyanFood13.}
\multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{Method}}          & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\textbf{Test Accuracy}}                \\ \cline{2-3} 
                                 &\textbf{Top-1} & \textbf{Top-3} \\ \hline\hline
Image only          &    73.18\%$\pm$ 0.79\%  &  92.04\%$\pm$ 0.44\% \\ \hline
Caption only                &    65.30\%$\pm$ 1.70\%     &   83.68\%$\pm$ 1.55\%   \\ \hline\hline
{\bf Ours:} Image + Caption               &    81.04\%$\pm$ 0.86\%     &  95.95\%$\pm$ 0.44\%   \\ \hline

enter image description here

Best Answer

Inserting a negative \vspace is most likely the cause behind the overlapping of the \caption and your tabular.

The following removes this and uses a booktabs representation:

enter image description here




  \caption{Results of Ablation Studies: Accuracy of different input settings on KenyanFood13.}
  \begin{tabular}{ l c c }
                                   & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\bfseries Test accuracy} \\
    \textbf{Method}                &    \textbf{Top-1}    &    \textbf{Top-3}    \\
    Image only                     & $73.18\% \pm 0.79\%$ & $92.04\% \pm 0.44\%$ \\
    Caption only                   & $65.30\% \pm 1.70\%$ & $83.68\% \pm 1.55\%$ \\
    \textbf{Ours:} Image + Caption & $81.04\% \pm 0.86\%$ & $95.95\% \pm 0.44\%$ \\
