[Tex/LaTex] Figure caption overlapping with minipages


I'm using minipage to define three images side by side.

However, the captions of those images are overlapping instead of breaking lines according to each minipage.

enter image description here

Following is the code:

    \caption{Overview of each part that compose the briefings structure.}
    \caption{Overview of the briefings and the elements of Design Information and Grids \cite{Tondreau2011}}
    \caption{Overview of the briefings and the elements of gestalt theory \cite{Lupton2015}}

Does anybody know what can be done?


The document is composed by many files, but here is part of the header of the main tex file:






%for code un-comment it

%% Change the following pdf author attribute name to your name.
            pdftitle={Rise Thesis Template (ABNT)},
            pdfauthor={Rise Thesis Template (ABNT)}]{hyperref}

Best Answer

Please always post a full document that reproduces the problem, which here is caused by some code that you have not posted. by default you get:

enter image description here

    \caption{Overview of each part that compose the briefings structure.}
    \caption{Overview of the briefings and the elements of Design Information and Grids \cite{Tondreau2011}}
    \caption{Overview of the briefings and the elements of gestalt theory \cite{Lupton2015}}