[Tex/LaTex] Text not bold in IEEEtran paper (LuaLaTeX / Debian Linux)


I'm writing a paper that uses an IEEEtran layout, but for some reason it doesn't seem to be loading the fonts correctly. The abstract should be bold, but it currently isn't, for example.

I'm currently running LuaLaTeX using the following latexmk command:

latexmk -pdf -bibtex-cond -lualatex -use-make -interaction=nonstopmode 

Am I forgetting to install something? I have tried installing all the tex packages that had anything font related in the name to no avail.

Is there a way for me to debug and check what is happening?

Here's the minimal example:


\title{The title}

University of Place\\
Email: email@example.com}


        This should be bold. It currently isn't.
        key words here

        blah blah blah

Ps.: I've seen a bunch of related questions, but they all were related to languages that use different scripts than latin, which is not my case.

Picture of the document

Best Answer

You can revert to a setup that's mostly similar to pdflatex with two additions:


\title{The title}

University of Place\\
Email: email@example.com}



        This should be bold. It currently isn't.
        key words here

        blah blah blah

enter image description here

However, if you don't have special needs to run LuaLaTeX, avoid it for submissions to IEEE journals.

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