[Tex/LaTex] Text left spacing (local “margin”)


How can I add left space to a block of text? (see the attempts and pictures below)

I can think of two ways:









Three problems:

  1. I cannot use another minipage within that minipage (which I need in my usecase)
  2. Indentation and paragraph spacing seem to change
  3. What to pass as the width optional argument?


Using itemize with the enumitem options:


\usepackage{enumitem}  % needed!



\item \lipsum[2-3]


It loses indentation and the paragraph spacing is a little different than the rest, but looks like much better:


Anyhow, any other suggestion?

(Duplicate of: How can I change the margins for only part of the text?)

Best Answer

Here is a suggestion using the addmargin environment defined by package scrextend.


enter image description here

Note that scrextend is a package to use some KOMA-Script Features like addmargin with other classes. Hence if you use a KOMA-Script class there is no need to load scrextend.