[Tex/LaTex] TexLive on Fedora 23


I'm trying to use Fedora 23 as OS, but I'm in trouble as my .tex document isn't compiling.
To be more precise, my document compiles great under my current setup on windows (TexLive2015, full-scheme).
On fedora I installed using the package manager (dnf install texlive-scheme-full)
But it seems to be missing some packages (templatetools, codesection, maybe more).

Is that normal behavior (devs of fedora chose not to include them, or are they considered optional?)

Best Answer

I suggest you install TeXLive from TUG (http://tug.org/texlive/). It does not interfere with system package manager. And more or less, you can get the same behavior across all platforms.

Just remember to put the PATH to texlive binary before everything else. It is possible that there might be some conflicts. For example, an executable within TeXLive has the same name as something total unrelated, instead by the package manager. However, this kind of case is rare can be dealt with easily.

I usually use tlmgr path add to link TeXLive binaries into /usr/local/bin etc., and remove any problematic links manually, which is very rare and I haven't need to do this for years.