[Tex/LaTex] Tables as Header and footer


I've been struggling with my .tex for quite some time now, and decided its time to look for help.

This is the situation: all docs here (my office) need to bring, as header, a table (3 columns) which contains logo & title & page count.

Also, as footer, it must have a table (2 columns) which contains text & text.

I'm using the book documentstyle because I need the summary and chapter structure.

I've already tried the \background package, but it seens to not accept tables as content.

So, here is the question: could you point me the direction I must follow?

I wanted to include a picture, but my rep doesn't allow me….

Update: 05-09-2013

Trying new code now, thanks for your help!

the code:




          \includegraphics[height=1.5cm,width=2.5cm]{logo.png} &
          \Huge{TITLE} &
          \tiny{P\'ag. \thepage\ de \pageref{LastPage}\\
          Data: 17/05/2013\\
          Rev. 0}\tabularnewline
          \includegraphics[height=1.5cm,width=2.5cm]{logo.png} &
          \Huge{TITLE} &
          \tiny{P\'ag. \thepage\ de \pageref{LastPage}\\
          Data: 17/05/2013\\
          Rev. 0}\tabularnewline


produces the table header, but its overlapping the default header. Also, the pages in which a chapter starts, there is no header. I need headers in all pages.

Some pics:

Overlapping Headers
Overlapping Headers

Blank header

Blank header


Initial code:
Could you take a look at my code? its not working the way its supposed to do: its produces only a table, but not as header or footer.




\setlength{\paperheight}{29.7cm} \setlength{\paperwidth}{21cm}





          \includegraphics[height=1.5cm]{logo.png} &
          \HUGE{TITLE} &
          \tiny{Pág. \thepage\ de \pageref{LastPage} 

          Data: 17/05/2013

          Rev. 0}         &


%I need a similar table on footer


          \includegraphics[height=1.5cm]{logo.png} &
          \HUGE{TITLE} &
          \tiny{Pág. \thepage\ de \pageref{LastPage} 

          Data: 17/05/2013

          Rev. 0}         &






Best Answer

Here is a template:


\usepackage[demo]{graphicx}   %% take the demo option out for your final document

\fancyhead[LO,RE]{\includegraphics[width=12pt, height=12pt]{logo}}
                text & text

\chapter{Chapter title}
%% add this if you want the fancy style also on the first page of a chapter:
\section{Section title}

Using the fancyhdr package, you can define headers and footers as you like. For instance, I put the logo in the header, on the left on odd pages (LO), and on the right on even pages (RE). In the center (C) of the footer I put a table as requested. The other settings are similar. Note that normally the first page of a chapter gets the page style plain which usually has only the page number in the footer. If you want the fancy style also on those pages, use \thispagestyle{fancy} directly after \chapter{...}. The template above yields:

sample output

Your code has a few problems:

  • Don't set papersize and paperheight explicitly. The a4paper option for book is enough.
  • The tabulars don't need to be wrapped into tables, as they are not floating objects.
  • There is no \HUGE size, \Huge is the largest.
  • You did not end all table rows with \\.

Fixing those problems leads to the following code:




\fancyhead[CE,CO,LE,LO,RE,RO]{} %% clear out all headers
          \includegraphics[height=1.5cm,width=2.5cm]{logo.png} &
          \Huge{TITLE} &
          \tiny{P\'ag. \thepage\ de \pageref{LastPage}\\
          Data: 17/05/2013\\
          Rev. 0}\tabularnewline
\fancyfoot[CE,CO,LE,LO,RE,RO]{} %% clear out all footers
          \includegraphics[height=1.5cm,width=2.5cm]{logo.png} &
          \Huge{TITLE} &
          \tiny{P\'ag. \thepage\ de \pageref{LastPage}\\
          Data: 17/05/2013\\
          Rev. 0}\tabularnewline

\chapter{Chapter title}
%% add this if you want the fancy style also on the first page of a chapter:
\section{Section title}

and it looks like this:

sample output 2

Note that this uses the same header and footer for odd and even pages. I think you now should be able to adapt the tables to have a right page/left page look, and setting the header with CO and CE positions accordingly.