[Tex/LaTex] Fancyhdr header and footer disappear


Just as it says in the title, my header and footer randomly disappear after my second numbered page.

This is my preamble:

% !TeX spellcheck = hr_HR

 backend=bibtex      % biber or bibtex
,style=numeric-comp  % numerical-compressed
,sorting=none        % no sorting
,sortcites=true      % some other example options ...
,doi=true            % prints doi
,natbib=true         % if you need natbib functions





\graphicspath{ {img/} }


\title{MVC arhitektura unutar AngularJS razvojnog okvira}
\author{Marko Klobučar}
\date{Lipanj, 2017.}

The commands I issued to start the header and footer are as follow:


\lhead{Sveučilište Sjever - Multimedija, oblikovanje i primjena}
\rhead{Marko Klobučar}
\rfoot{Stranica \thepage~od~\pageref{lastpage}}


And all is well for a whole two pages. And then suddenly the header and footer vanish on my 6th actual, but 3rd numbered page.

I am terribly sorry if this has been answered before, I searched for an hour now and I couldn't find what I was looking for. I am also a complete beginner with Latex, and would appreciate any help.

Thank you in advance! Please, let me know if I should include something I forgot.

EDIT: Here's the small-ish document.

% !TeX spellcheck = hr_HR

% backend=bibtex

% \addbibresource{bibliografija.bib}
% \nocite{*}




\graphicspath{ {img/} }







\section*{Lorem ipsum.}
Lorem ipsum.



\lhead{Header left}
\rhead{John Doe}
\rfoot{Page \thepage~of~\pageref{lastpage}}


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

\subsection{This part is messed up.}
This section is where the header and footer disappear.

\subsection{Lorem ipsum.}
Lorem ipsum.


\section{Popis literature}
% \printbibliography[title=~]


Best Answer

Here are two possible simple codes:

  • Either you use the {spacing}{1.5} environment, and you have to put the last \newpage command just before \end{spacing}, and repeat \pagestyle{fancy} right after,
  • Or you use the \onehalfspacing command, and replace \end{spacing} with \singlespacing.

Here are the codes for the relevant part:

With the environment:

Here's some text.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

\section{O tehnologiji}
\subsection{O pojmu arhitekture u softverskom razvoju}
Here's some text.

\subsection{Opis MVC arhitekture}
Here's some text.


\section{Popis literature}

With the commands:


Here's some text.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

\section{O tehnologiji}
\subsection{O pojmu arhitekture u softverskom razvoju}
Here's some text.

\subsection{Opis MVC arhitekture}
Here's some text.


\section{Popis literature}

enter image description here

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