[Tex/LaTex] Table in Two Column


I am trying to generate a table in a two column document. However, the table also appears in the column settings. I want that table should appear in the one column settings in the float environment. The minimum working example is given below:

      \geometry{verbose,tmargin=3cm,bmargin=3cm,lmargin=3cm,rmargin=3cm }
      \usepackage{caption}% <-- added
      \captionsetup[table]{skip = 3pt}
      \newcolumntype{L}{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X}% <-- added
      \usepackage{ltablex}% <-- added
      \usepackage{siunitx}% <-- added
      \usepackage{caption}% <-- added

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          \caption{Year Wise Treatment Frequencies} \label{tab:freq}
              This table provides the frequencies 

              Year  & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Nones} & Option  1 & Option 2 & Total \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2001} & 126   & 16    & 2     & 144 \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2002} & 114   & 9     & 4     & 127 \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2003} & 115   & 7     & 1     & 123 \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2004} & 114   & 6     & 4     & 124 \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2005} & 104   & 5     & 8     & 117 \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2006} & 96    & 3     & 6     & 105 \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2007} & 93    & 2     & 4     & 99 \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2008} & 93    & 2     & 2     & 97 \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2009} & 85    & 2     & 11    & 98 \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2010} & 83    & 0     & 7     & 90 \\
              \multicolumn{1}{r}{2011} & 74    & 0     & 12    & 86 \\
              Total & 1,097 & 52    & 61    & 1,210 \\
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Best Answer

If you persist to span your table over two columns, despite its natural width is smaller than one column width, than you should use


(regarding this, your question is duplicate to many question here...). This tables can appear only on top of the (next) page. To force it to be in bottom of current page, you need to load package stfloats:

\geometry{verbose,tmargin=3cm,bmargin=3cm,lmargin=3cm,rmargin=3cm }
\usepackage{caption}% <-- added
\captionsetup[table]{skip = 3pt}


%        \footnotesize
\caption{Year Wise Treatment Frequencies}
      This table provides the frequencies
  \begin{tabular*}{\linewidth}{S @{\extracolsep{\fill}}
                            *{4}{S[group-separator = {,},
                                   group-minimum-digits = 4
  {Year} & {Nones} & {Option 1} & {Option 2} & {Total}  \\
  2001       & 126   & 16    & 2     & 144 \\
  2002       & 114   & 9     & 4     & 127 \\
  2003       & 115   & 7     & 1     & 123 \\
  2004       & 114   & 6     & 4     & 124 \\
  2005       & 104   & 5     & 8     & 117 \\
  2006       & 96    & 3     & 6     & 105 \\
  2007       & 93    & 2     & 4     & 99 \\
  2008       & 93    & 2     & 2     & 97 \\
  2009       & 85    & 2     & 11    & 98 \\
  2010       & 83    & 0     & 7     & 90 \\
  2011       & 74    & 0     & 12    & 86 \\
      Total & 1097 & 52    & 61    & 1210 \\

which gives:

enter image description here

In above table for column formatting the siunitx column type S is used. To my opinion the result is very, very ugly ... Well, maybe your real table need to be so wide, who knows :)