Table with Multicolumn Header (in Beamer)


When I use multicolumn for a table, the heading for the merged columns occupy only one column instead of the total number of merged columns. Is there a way to sort this? Here is a MWE –

\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[default]
\setbeamertemplate{enumerate items}[default]
\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate subbody begin}{\tiny}

\newcolumntype{C}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X} % centered version of "X" type

\title{my slides}

  \caption{Sample Resistance data from $ 1mg/ml $ of CNT solution}
          &       & \multicolumn{3}{C}{Sample on cellulose filter} & \multicolumn{3}{C}{Sample on Wafer} \\
    Sample  & Thickness ($ \mu m $) & Resistance ($\Omega$) & Sheet resistance ($ \Omega $) & Resistivity ($ \Omega\: cm $) & Resistance ($ \Omega $) & Sheet resistance ($ \Omega $) & Resistivity ($ \Omega\: cm $) \\
    \multirow{3}[0]{*}{10 ml} & \multirow{4}[0]{*}{7.07} & 8.42037 & 38.14444 & \multirow{4}[0]{*}{0.033292836} & 11.16161 & 50.5659 & \multirow{4}[0]{*}{0.035330583} \\
          &       & 9.03046 & 40.90815 &       & 11.08799 & 50.22873 &  \\
          &       & 8.73346 & 39.56346 &       & 10.84388 & 49.12298 &  \\
    Average &       & 8.728096667 & 39.53868333 &       & 11.03116 & 49.97253667 &  \\
    \multirow{6}[0]{*}{20 ml} & \multirow{7}[0]{*}{12.905} & 8.69023 & 39.36688 & \multirow{7}[0]{*}{0.034299208} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{5.62617} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{25.48672} & \multirow{7}[0]{*}{0.032975463} \\
          &       & 8.62305 & 39.06262 &       &       &       &  \\
          &       & 8.46726 & 38.3569 &       & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{5.70038} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{25.82339} &  \\
          &       & 8.69199 & 39.37495 &       &       &       &  \\
          &       & 8.89965 & 40.31551 &       & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{5.59538} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{25.3473} &  \\
          &       & 8.90406 & 40.33552 &       &       &       &  \\
    Average &       & 8.712706667 & 39.46873 &       & 8.593513333 & 25.55247 &  \\
          &       &       &       & \multirow{5}[0]{*}{0.01052849} &       &       &  \\
    \multirow{3}[0]{*}{30 ml} & \multirow{4}[0]{*}{25.005} & 5.11619 & 21.81757 &       & 2.93069 & 13.27621 & \multirow{4}[0]{*}{0.032756433} \\
          &       & 4.59474 & 20.80073 &       & 2.79338 & 12.65416 &  \\
          &       & 4.76615 & 21.59088 &       & 2.95128 & 13.36949 &  \\
    Average &       & 4.825693333 & 21.40306 &       & 2.891783333 & 13.09995333 &  \\


% Table generated by Excel2LaTeX from sheet 'Sheet1'
  \caption{Sample Resistance data from $ 0.5mg/ml $ of CNT solution}
           & \multicolumn{4}{C}{
                At the wafer} & \multicolumn{2}{C}{After baking at 400C in glovebox} & \multicolumn{4}{C}{On cellulose filter}\\
    Sample  & Resistance ($\Omega$) & Sheet resistance ($\Omega$) & Thickness ($ \mu m $) & Resistivity ($ \Omega \: cm $) & Sheet resistance ($\Omega$) & Resistivity ($ \Omega\:cm $) & Resistance ($\Omega$) & Sheet resistance ($\Omega$) & Thickness ($ \mu m $) & Resistivity ($ \Omega\: cm $) \\
    10 ml & 8.6347 & 39.1154 & 11.3  & \multirow{4}[0]{*}{0.045361063} & 32    & \multirow{5}[0]{*}{0.0387} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{16.55097} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{74.97601} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{11.3} & \multirow{10}[0]{*}{0.083748478} \\
          & 8.8625 & 40.1469 & 10.5  &       & 34    &       &       &       &       &  \\
          & 8.7009 & 39.4149 & 12.6  &       & 34    &       &       &       &       &  \\
    Average & 8.7327 & 39.55906667 & 11.46666667 &       & 35    &       & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{16.04057} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{72.663889} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{10.5} &  \\
          &       &       &       & Average & 33.75 &       &       &       &       &  \\
          &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &  \\
          & 26.2074 & 118.7196 & 3.2   & \multirow{4}[0]{*}{0.058517203} &       &       & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{15.77689} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{71.46949} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{12.6} &  \\
          & 23.751 & 107.5919 & 4.1   &       &       &       &       &       &       &  \\
          & 25.6407 & 116.1524 & 4.1   &       &       &       &       &       &       &  \\
    Average & 15.78998571 & 71.52859524 & 8.180952381 &       &       &       & 16.12281 & 73.036463 & 11.46666667 &  \\
    20 ml & 13.1859 & 59.732 & 7.2   & \multirow{4}[0]{*}{0.043931432} & 42    & \multirow{5}[0]{*}{0.032745} & 7.62057 & 34.52141 & 7.2   & \multirow{4}[0]{*}{0.024851521} \\
          & 13.2219 & 59.8952 & 7.5   &       & 45    &       & 7.35304 & 33.29376 & 7.5   &  \\
          & 12.908 & 58.4732 & 7.5   &       & 46    &       & 7.27021 & 32.93424 & 7.5   &  \\
    Average & 13.10526667 & 59.3668 & 7.4   &       & 44    &       & 7.414606667 & 33.58313667 & 7.4   &  \\
          &       &       &       & Average & 44.25 &       &       &       &       &  \\


Best Answer

  • In MWE below are consider only packages relevant to writing table.
  • For table are added tabularray and siunitx package (loaded by \UseTblrLibrary). Using them table and can nicely fit in frame without using \resizebox box. Consequently can be prescribed font size footnotesize
  • I suggest to round number so that in each column has the same decimal digits (by tis table become more consistent)
  • MWE, which consider only the first table, the second you can edited /for exercise/ on the same way yourself):

\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[default]
\setbeamertemplate{enumerate items}[default]
\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate subbody begin}{\tiny}



\caption{Sample Resistance data from \qty{1}{\milli\gram\per\milli\litre} of CNT solution}
    \begin{tblr}{ colsep = 2pt,
                 colspec = {@{} Q[l, si={table-format=2,
                                X[c,m, si={table-format=2.3,
                           *{2}{X[c,m, si={table-format=2.5}]}
                                X[c,m, si={table-format=1.5}]
                           *{2}{X[c,m, si={table-format=2.5}]}
                                X[c,m, si={table-format=1.5}]
    &   &   \SetCell[c=3]{c}  {{{Sample on cellulose filter}}}
            &   &   &   \SetCell[c=3]{c}  {{{Sample on Wafer}}}  \\
    & {{{Thickness (\unit{\micro\metre})}}}
        & {{{Resistance (\unit{\ohm})}}}
            & {{{Sheet resistance (\unit{\ohm})}}}
                & {{{Resistivity (\unit{\ohm\centi\metre})}}}
                    & {{{Resistance (\unit{\ohm})}}}
                        & {{{Sheet resistance (\unit{\ohm})}}}
                            & {{{Resistivity (\unit{\ohm\centi\metre})}}} \\
\SetCell[r=3]{l} \qty{10}{\milli\litre}
    & \SetCell[r=4]{l} 7.07
        & 8.42037
            & 38.14444
                & \SetCell[r=4]{c} 0.033292836
                    & \SetCell[r=4]{c} 11.16161
                        & 50.5659
                            &  \SetCell[r=4]{c} 0.035330583 \\
    &   & 9.03046
            & 40.90815
                &   & 11.08799
                        & 50.22873
                            &                               \\
    &   & 8.73346
            & 39.56346
                &   & 10.84388
                        & 49.12298
                            &                               \\
    &   & 8.728096667
            & 39.53868333
                &   & 11.03116
                        & 49.97253667
                            &                               \\
\SetCell[r=6]{l} \qty{20}{\milli\litre}
    &\SetCell[r=7]{l} 12.905
        & 8.69023 
            & 39.36688 
                & \SetCell[r=7]{l} 0.034299208
                    & \SetCell[r=2]{l} 5.62617
                        & \SetCell[r=2]{l} 25.48672
                            & \SetCell[r=7]{l} 0.032975463  \\
    &   & 8.62305 
            & 39.06262 
                &   &   &   &  \\
    &   & 8.46726 
            & 38.3569 
                &   & \SetCell[r=2]{l}  5.70038
                        & \SetCell[r=2]{l}  25.82339
                            &  \\
    &   & 8.69199 
            & 39.37495 
                &   &   &   &  \\
    &   & 8.89965 
            & 40.31551 
                &   & \SetCell[r=2]{l}  5.59538
                        & \SetCell[r=2]{l}  25.3473
                            &  \\
    &   & 8.90406 
            & 40.33552 
                &   &   &   &  \\
    &   & 8.712706667 
            & 39.46873 
                &   & 8.593513333 
                        & 25.55247 
                            &                               \\
\SetCell[r=3]{l} \qty{30}{\milli\litre}
    & \SetCell[r=4]{c} 25.005
        & 5.11619 
            & 21.81757 
                & \SetCell[r=4]{c} 0.01052849
                    & 2.93069 
                        & 13.27621 
                            & \SetCell[r=4]{c} 0.032756433  \\
    &   & 4.59474 
            & 20.80073 
                &   & 2.79338 
                        & 12.65416 
                            &                               \\
    &   & 4.76615 
            & 21.59088 
                &   & 2.95128 
                        & 13.36949 
                            &                               \\
    &   & 4.825693333 
            & 21.40306 
                &   & 2.891783333 
                        & 13.09995333 
                            &                               \\

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