[Tex/LaTex] Table caption position


I would like to have my caption at the top right of the table.
I've already set it at the top right of the paper using:


But I need to have it on the top right of the table, as on picture.
wrong caption position

The column width is set with \renewcommand{\tabcolsep}{0.3em}

Best Answer

I suggest you load the threeparttable package and embed the \caption directive and the tabular (or array) environment inside a threeparttable environment.

enter image description here

\captionsetup{justification   = raggedleft,
              singlelinecheck = off}
\caption{A caption}
aaa & bbb & ccc & ddd & eee & fff & ggg & hhh \\
% optional: provide 'tablenotes' environment if needed