[Tex/LaTex] Table and figure side by side. Using float, not floatrow, seperate captions


I am trying to make tables and figure work side by side with seperate captions, with float not floatrow.
I use float and subfigure in a number of places already.

I made a small example with my full preamble.

\newcommand{\itodo}[1]{\todo[inline, color=green!40]{#1}}
\tikzstyle{important line}=[very thick]
\tikzstyle{information text}=[rounded corners,fill=white,inner sep=1ex]

\usepackage{booktabs, multicol, multirow}


    column1a & column2a \\
    column1b & column2b \\
    column1c & column2c \\


Best Answer

From your question I guess, that you like to have independent numbering figures in tables even if they are partly in the same float:

enter image description here

Is this, what you like to achieve? The code for above image is:


  \caption{figure a}
some text
  \caption{figure b}

some text
  \captionof{figure}{figure c}
    column1a & column2a \\
    column1b & column2b \\
    column1c & column2c \\
\captionof{table}{table 1}

 Regarding to figures \ref{fig:a}, \ref{fig:b}, \ref{fig:c} and table \ref{tab:1} \dots

As you can see, for it I didn't use float nor floatrow. Desired goal I obtain by use of small package capt-of. For example-images I also add package graphicx. I'm not familiar with package llncs, but I'm sure that it will not interfere to shoved solution.

By the way, in the preamble of your document some packages are load twice ...