[Tex/LaTex] floatrow with subfloatrow and fcapside: adjust placement of captions


I want put two subcaptions using fcapside into one float. The captions should be placed near the respective figures and the two figures should be separated nicely. I tried the following code:




% \thisfloatsetup{capbesidesep=none}


This is the result:
Floatrow example

The distance of (a) and (b) to the figures is too large but the figures could be spread more.

What can I do? I played around with almost all settings I could find in the manual. To be honest, having used LaTeX for several years, floatrow is still really hard to master…

Best Answer

You can use the \renewcommand\subfloatrowsep{\hskip 6\columnsep} to increase the figure separation.



\renewcommand\subfloatrowsep{\hskip 6\columnsep} % figure separation is done here



enter image description here

In the above if you use some side caption text, you will blow up the layout. In such cases, the following can be used.



 \renewcommand\subfloatrowsep{\hskip 1.5\columnsep} % figure separation is done here

      \fcapside[\FBwidth]{\includegraphics[width=3cm,height=3cm]{test}}{\caption{This is caption for A}}%
      \fcapside[\FBwidth]{\includegraphics[width=1cm,height=3cm]{test}}{\caption{This is caption for figure B that is long}}%


enter image description here