[Tex/LaTex] Table – align according decimal comma


How can I align numbers in table according to the decimal comma please when I don't know how many numbers are befor the comma and how many decimal places the number will have?

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, bm}

\usepackage{tabularx, ragged2e}

\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} L *{8}{c} @{}}
Číslo & $P$ & $T_0$ & $e$ & $\omega$ & $i$ & $a$  \\[0.33ex]
zdroje& (dny) & (RJD) & & ($^\circ$) & ($\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$) & ($\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$) \\
1 & 5,732436(15) & 54002,780(46) & 0,0910(37) & 149,2(3,0) &  &  \\
2 & 5.732824(3) & 54002,7241(96) & 0,0858(41) & 145,6(3,9) && \\
3 & 5.732824(1) & 54002,7775(34) & 0,0883(26) & 149,1(2,3) && \\


enter image description here

Best Answer

with siunitx and makecell packages:

enter image description here

in your mwe you have mess in use of decimal points and commas. i decide to use decimal points. if you like to have commas in resulting table, than you need to add in preamble:


also your use of uncertainty (with commas) is not clear. such notation is not supported in the siunitx pacakage (as far as i know).

\usepackage{booktabs, makecell}

                            cc % for those columns is not clear what is in them
\makecell[t]{Číslo\\ zdroje}
    &   {\makecell[t]{$P$\\ (dny)}}
        &   {\makecell[t]{$T_0$\\ (RJD)}}
            &   {\makecell[t]{$e$}}
                &   {\makecell[t]{$\omega$\\ (\si{\degree})}}
                    &   {\makecell[t]{$i$\\ ($\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$)}}
                        &   {\makecell[t]{$a$\\ ($\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$)}}    \\
1 & 5.732436(15) & 54002.780(46)  & 0.0910(37) & 149.2(30) &   &            \\
2 & 5.732824(3)  & 54002.7241(96) & 0.0858(41) & 145.6(39) &   &            \\
3 & 5.732824(1)  & 54002.7775(34) & 0.0883(26) & 149.1(23) &   &            \\
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