[Tex/LaTex] Tabbing in the \address section of the letter document class

horizontal alignmentletterstabbing

I am writing a letter using LaTeX's letter template, in which I include my e-mail address and phone numbers in the \address section. I would like to use icons from the marvosym package instead of writing "E-mail:" etc. Further, I would prefer for the e-mail address and phone numbers to be aligned as in a table.

Here is the code I try to use in the \address section:

\address{Kurt Han Peek \\ Piet Heinlaan 23 \\ 2341 SG  Oegstgeest \\ \begin{tabbing} \Letter \= \hspace{0.5em}\= kurt.peek@gmail.com \\ \Mobilefone \> \>06-14920959 \\ \Telefon \> \> (071) 517 7081 \end{tabbing}}

However, I get the error: ! LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item. in TeXworks. I suspect the tabbing environment can't be used in the \address, because it does work in the main text. I have also tried using a tabular environment which works, but the cells have some "padding", so the marvosym icons then are not left-aligned with the address above.

Any ideas on how to solve this would be much appreciated.

P.S. For the sake of completeness, here is the complete LaTeX code:


%\address{Kurt Han Peek \\ Piet Heinlaan 23 \\ 2341 SG  Oegstgeest \\ \Letter~\href{mailto:kurt.peek@gmail.com}{kurt.peek@gmail.com} \\ %\Mobilefone~0614920959 \\ \Telefon~  071 517 7081}

\address{Kurt Han Peek \\ Piet Heinlaan 23 \\ 2341 SG  Oegstgeest \\ \begin{tabbing} \Letter \= \hspace{0.5em}\= kurt.peek@gmail.com \\ \Mobilefone \> \>06-14920959 \\ \Telefon \> \> (071) 517 7081 \end{tabbing}}

\date{23 februari 2012}
\begin{letter}{TNO \\ t.a.v. Maaike Blikslager \\ High Tech Campus 5 \\ 5656 AE  Eindhoven}
\opening{Beste ...,}
Graag wil ik solliciteren op de functie .... Het werk van de ...groep sluit goed aan bij interesses en carri\`eredoelen, ik en zou me verheugen om mijn kandidatuur persoonlijk met u te bespreken.

  \Mobilefone&06 14920959\\                          
  \Telefon&(071) 517 7081\\ \end{tabular}

\Letter \= \hspace{0.5em} \= kurt.peek@gmail.com \\
\Mobilefone \> \>06-14920959 \\
\Telefon \> \> (071) 517 7081

Bedankt voor uw tijd, en ik verheug me op uw reactie.

\closing{Met vriendelijke groet, \\
%\fromsig{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{signature_kurt.jpg}} \\
\fromname{Kurt Peek}


Best Answer

You can "simulate" the tabbing behaviour using \hbox to <length>{...}, the following code is self-explanatory I hope:

\def\addresssymbol#1{\hbox to 1.2em{#1}} % <-- set a good length here

\address{Kurt Han Peek \\ Piet Heinlaan 23 \\ 2341 SG  Oegstgeest
\\ \addresssymbol{\Letter} kurt.peek@gmail.com
\\ \addresssymbol{\Mobilefone} 06-14920959
\\ \addresssymbol{\Telefon} (071) 517 7081