[Tex/LaTex] SumatraPDF with AucTeX and Foxit Reader as the default viewer


I like to use Foxit Reader to view PDF's but it locks the file so i cannot use synctex with it.
So I'd like to use SumatraPDF with AuCTeX when making my PDF's but still have Foxit Reader as my default pdf viewer.
I use windows XP, AuCTeX 11.86 and GNU Emacs 23.3.

Best Answer

After son hours of struggle i finally got what i want.
First you set the PDF viewer of your preference, then you follows these steps http://blog.modelworks.ch/?p=210 (note that you have to set the program list first, then restart emacs, then set the program view selection and restart emacs again) and you are done.

In my case i had to change <directory of your SumatraPDF.exe> -reuse-instance %o to start SumatraPDF -reuse-instance %o but i don't know the reason, maybe you can explain this to me.