[Tex/LaTex] Suggestions for fonts in classicthesis.sty


I found these suggestions for fonts in classicthesis.sty. What are they for kpfonts? Does Palatino 10pt: 288--312pt | 609--657pt mean that \textwidth must be between 288 and 312pt and \textheight must be between 609 and 657pt?

% Here are some suggestions for the text widths and heights:
% Palatino  10pt: 288--312pt | 609--657pt
% Palatino  11pt: 312--336pt | 657--705pt
% Palatino  12pt: 360--384pt | 768pt
% Minion      10pt: 264--288pt | 561--609pt
% Minion      11pt: 288--312pt | 609--657pt
% Minion      12pt: 336pt      | 672pt
% Libertine 10pt:
% Libertine 11pt:
% Libertine 12pt:
% kpfonts 10pt:
% kpfonts 11pt:
% kpfonts 12pt:

Best Answer

As you can see from the following test, KP Fonts are similar in size to






KP Fonts: \the\mylen
\typeout{KP Fonts: \the\mylen}

Palatino: \the\mylen
\typeout{Palatino: \the\mylen}



KP Fonts: 159.05984pt
Palatino: 159.85011pt

So I'd use the same settings for KP Fonts as for Palatino.