[Tex/LaTex] What’s the internal font name of the Kp-Fonts


I have checked thekpfonts.sty:


It seems that this name jkpss\kp@petitesmajuscules\kp@flig\kp@style is not correct. So what's the real name of this font?

So how to invoke Kpfonts as a second font?

Best Answer

As I already commented, the low level names of all Kp-Font variants are documented in the manual. But I must admit, that this may be hard to understand.

So I thought, I should show some examples here. Regarding your question in comments see at the end.


\usepackage{lmodern} % "Latin Modern" as default font set

\newcommand*{\testfont}[2]{\textsf{#1 (\texttt{#2}):} {\fontfamily{#2}\selectfont
                           Best off (sic!) 1234567890 Questions}\par}



\section*{Examples for low level names of Kp-Fonts}

\testfont{Roman light}{jkpl}
\testfont{Roman, large smallcaps}{jkpk}
\testfont{Roman light, no f-ligatures}{jkplf}
\testfont{Roman, large smallcaps, old style numbers}{jkpkosn}
\testfont{Roman light, oldstyle}{jkplos}
\testfont{Roman, very oldstyle}{jkpvos}


\textsc{\fontfamily{jkp}\selectfont Usual SmallCaps vs.\\
        \fontfamily{jkpk}\selectfont Large SmallCaps}


\testfont{Sans Serif}{jkpss}
\testfont{Sans Serif, large smallcaps}{jkpssk}
\testfont{Sans Serif, no f-ligatures}{jkpssf}
\testfont{Sans Serif, oldstyle}{jkpssos}
\testfont{Sans Serif, very oldstyle}{jkpssvos}


\textsc{\fontfamily{jkpss}\selectfont Usual SmallCaps vs.\\
        \fontfamily{jkpssk}\selectfont Large SmallCaps}


\testfont{Teletype, oldstyle numbers}{jkpttosn}
\testfont{Teletype, oldstyle}{jkpttos}
\testfont{Teletype, very oldstyle}{jkpttvos}


code output

For your document you should define one or two commands depending on, what you like better. I will use here the basic Kp-Font roman, as seen above it is jkp:

  • A switch similar to \rmfamily or \bfseries: \newcommand{\kproman}{\fontfamily{jkp}\selectfont}, but then you have to set it in a group. Compare what I did in the example inside of \newcommand*{\testfont}.

  • Similar to \textrm or \textbf a grouping command: \newcommand{\textkproman}[1]{{\fontfamily{jkp}\selectfont#1}}, note the doubled braces for the grouping.

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