[Tex/LaTex] String column tick labels and plotting selected samples on y axis with groupplots


I have seen other relate questions (like Basic bar chart with text as x axis labels), but still cannot figure out where the problem is in my example.

The MWE below contains a snippet of a .csv table with data, where the first column is a string. What I want to do, is to use the first column strings as xtickabels, and on each x position, plot the 3ith element (assuming the column numbering is 0-based, and i=1,2,3...) as a mark circle; as example, from row one, I'd want elements 3,6,9,12,…,33 – that is, a mark should be added at x=1 (c002) and y={0.000119, 0.000162, 0.000494, …, 0.006253} (and the same would be done for each row, except for second row, x will be 2, for third row x=3 etc.); something like:

|   o o 
| o   o o
|   o    
| o   o o
  c c c c
  0 0 0 0
  0 0 0 0
  2 3 4 5

This MWE is how far I got so far:



  col sep=comma,
% columns/0/.style={string type}, % nowork here; on table typeset only


  group style={
    group name=my fancy plots,
    group size=1 by 1,
    yticklabels at=edge left,
    %xticklabels at=edge bottom,
    %vertical sep=0pt,
    horizontal sep=0pt,
  ymin=-6, ymax=6,
  xticklabels from table={\mytable}{[index]0},

  axis y line=left,
  %axis x discontinuity=parallel, % disc. is at start, so avoid for first
  axis x line=bottom,
  x axis line style=-, % switch off the axis arrow tips,
  %width=4.5cm, % don't set width,
  x=0.1cm,      % set x scale (for width)
  %visualization depends on={value \thisrowno{0} \as \labela}, % note the value prefix
  %xticklabels from table={\mytable}{[index]0},
% \coordindex yields the current index of the table row (starting with 0).
\addplot table[
  columns/0/.style={string type}, % nope
  x index = \coordindex, %
  y expr = \thisrowno{2},
] \mytable;



I will eventually want to plot with discontinuities on x axis, which is why I use groupplot. Unfortunately, the above fails with:

! Package PGF Math Error: Could not parse input 'c002' as a floating point numb
er, sorry. The unreadable part was near 'c002'..

See the PGF Math package documentation for explanation.
Type H for immediate help.

l.60 ] \mytable;

So basically, I have two questions:

  • How do I get rid of the error, and use the first column strings as xticklabels?
  • What would be the best approach to plot the selected samples along the y axis, as I want them to? (Since the number of columns varies, the algorithm should simply ignore all data values that may turn up empty)

Best Answer

Ok, I did get somewhere, but it's still no full solution; so if anyone can suggest a better approach, I'd rather accept that answer.

The "Could not parse input '' as a floating point number" got solved by using xticklabels from table in the groupplot options AND x expr instead of x index in the \addplot table options. (Note, I've also tried with symbolic x coords and x index=\coordindex, and with that got: " ! Package pgfplots Error: Sorry, the input coordinate `0' has not been defined with 'symbolic x coords={c002,c003,c004,}... Maybe it has been misspelled?." ). I got to that thanks to this comment from pgfplots: how to load distinct symbolic ticks/labels from file?

"flexible ticklabels from table won't help here, because that's just for generating the labels, but not the coordinates. You're currently plotting the data points at (i|i), where i is the coordinate index, so filtering duplicates out of the labels won't help you. Rather, you need to map a, b, c... to x=1, 2, 3... and X, Y, Z to y=1, 2, 3... (which is what symbolic x coords does)."

Not sure I fully understand that, but what I need is that the labels for x=0,1,2,... are "c002","c003","c004",... - so that eventually I could control discontinuities by setting xmin and xmax as numbers (and the labels would follow those settings).

For the second part, I really couldn't find a proper syntax for \addplot table - so here I iterate through the table, and create a coordinate list, that I use with \addplot coordinates. And finally I get a rendering close to what I want:


... but with the problem, that xlabels are incorrect - if I use xtick=data, only the first ("c002") is shown at correct location (probably the others are not shown because I do not use \addplot table here); if I don't use it, as above, then only "c003" and "c004" are printed, but not on a correct location. (see edit below)

So, if anyone can suggest how to make the xtick labels correct, and if there is a syntax so I can achieve the same output with \addplot table instead (without having to loop through the table to re-create coordinates), please post back an answer.

Here is the MWE so far:



  col sep=comma,
  columns/0/.style={string type}, % nowork here; on table typeset only

\pgfplotstablegetrowsof{\mytable} %Determine no. of rows
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\rows}{\pgfplotsretval} % pgfmathsetmacro float, this int
\pgfplotstablegetcolsof{\mytable} %


% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/153853/pgfplots-how-to-load-distinct-symbolic-ticks-labels-from-file/153971#153971

  group style={
    group name=my fancy plots,
    group size=1 by 1,
    yticklabels at=edge left,
    %xticklabels at=edge bottom,
    %vertical sep=0pt,
    horizontal sep=0pt,
    % no xtick/labels here: ! Undefined control sequence.
    %\mytable ->\pgfpl@@                     {0}\pgfpl@@ {1}
    %xticklabels from table={\mytable}{0},%{[index]0},
  ymin=0, ymax=7e-3,
  xticklabels from table={\mytable}{0},%{[index]0},
  %xticklabels/.expand once={\xliststring}, % also works
%   xtick=data, % will only print the first, 'c002', and no others
  xlabel=test variants,
  x tick label style={rotate=-45, anchor=west, align=center, font=\tiny},
  x=0.5cm,      % set x scale (for width)
  /tikz/only marks, % no lines - scatter plot

  axis y line=left,
  %axis x discontinuity=parallel, % disc. is at start, so avoid for first
  axis x line=bottom,
  x axis line style=-, % switch off the axis arrow tips,
  %width=4.5cm, % don't set width,
%   y filter/.code={\ifx\pgfmathresult\empty\else#1\fi},
  mark=o, % is ignored for individual addplots
%%\coordindex yields the current index of the table row (starting with 0).
%% the below works as expected (but don't know how to select only certain
%% samples via table - so here only one sample is plotted as per y expr):
% \addplot table[
%   %x index = \coordindex, % causes: Could not parse input 'c002' as a floating point
%   x expr = \coordindex, % passes!
%   y expr = \thisrowno{3},
% ] \mytable;
%% NOTE: in pgfplots 1.5.1, adding even empty braces to \addplot here
%% causes the coordinates plot not to be shown! example - try the below:
% \addplot[] coordinates{ (0,2e-4) (0,4e-4) };

\foreach \r in {0,1,...,\lastrow}{%
  \xdef\tempCoords{} %
  \foreach \c in {1,2,...,\lastcol}{ % skip column 0
    \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\modres}{mod(\c,3)} % modulo
      %\typeout{[\r,\c]: '\pgfplotsretval' \ifx\pgfplotsretval\empty EMPTY \else\fi } % [199,27]: '' EMPTY ...
        \xdef\tempCoords{\tempCoords (\r,\pgfplotsretval)\space}}\fi % end \ifx
%         \xdef\tempCoords{\tempCoords (\rowlabel,\pgfplotsretval)\space}}\fi % end \ifx
    }\fi % end \ifnum
  } % end \foreach \c
  \typeout{coordinates {\tempCoords};}
  % note: using this plainly:
  %\addplot coordinates {\tempCoords};
  % causes: ! Package pgfplots Error: Sorry, I could not read the plot coordinates near '(0,0.000119) ...
  % note: have to use \addplot+[] here, else \addplot[] resets!
  % also, color=blue controls stroke of mark, but not its fill
  \edef\temp{ \noexpand\addplot+[color=blue,mark=*,mark options={blue},] coordinates{ \tempCoords }; }
  \temp % execute addplot command
} % end \foreach \r



EDIT: got the labels to solve; simply, do one \addplot table before the for loop, where simply the y value is set to 0; this would "plot" invisible points at the (xtickindex,0) coordinate - and forces the labels to appear. So simply paste this snippet before the \foreach (and enable the xtick=data) in the MWE above:

% use [mark=*,mark options={red}] to debug
\addplot+[mark=none] table[x expr=\coordindex, y expr=0.0] \mytable;

... and then the output is finally as expected:
