[Tex/LaTex] Stretch y-axis in pgfplots


I'm using pgfplots for simple plotting 2-dimensional data from a plain datatable file. What i try is to "stretch" the y-axis by a factor (say currently i have stretched it by factor '1' which is the standard and i want to modify that factor (im my case increase it a bit))

Here is a minimal working example:



\begin{axis} [
 xmode = log,
 log basis x=2,
 xlabel={Input size $n$},
 ylabel={time per input in $s$},
 grid style={densely dotted},
 legend style={at={(0.425,0.99)},
 anchor=north,legend columns=2}

 \addplot table[x = size, y expr= \thisrow{time}/(\thisrow{size}/1024)] {
 size time 
 1048576   1024
 8388608   2048
 67108864  4096
 536870912 8192



I'm looking for a as easy as possible solution which also works in the beamer environment.

Best Answer

There's an axis option called y post scale for this:


\begin{axis} [
 xmode = log,
 log basis x=2,
 xlabel={Input size $n$},
 ylabel={time per input in $s$},
 grid style={densely dotted},
 legend style={at={(0.425,0.99)},
 anchor=north,legend columns=2},

 \addplot table[x = size, y expr= \thisrow{time}/(\thisrow{size}/1024)] {
 size time 
 1048576   1024
 8388608   2048
 67108864  4096
 536870912 8192

\begin{axis} [
 xmode = log,
 log basis x=2,
 xlabel={Input size $n$},
 ylabel={time per input in $s$},
 grid style={densely dotted},
 legend style={at={(0.425,0.99)},
 anchor=north,legend columns=2},
 y post scale=1.4

 \addplot table[x = size, y expr= \thisrow{time}/(\thisrow{size}/1024)] {
 size time 
 1048576   1024
 8388608   2048
 67108864  4096
 536870912 8192
