[Tex/LaTex] Standard paragraph following subparagraph


I'm a newbie using LyX and was wondering why when I put a standard paragraph after a *subparagraph it always renders the first standard paragraph after the *subparagraph on the same line?

Best Answer

That's the standard behaviour for subparagraphs: the text will start in the same line as the title, and the title will be indented by \parindent. If you want to change the formatting, you can redefine \subparagraph; here's a little example of a possible redefinition:

                                     {-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
                                     {1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
\subsubsection{Test subparagraph}\lipsum[1]
\paragraph{Test subparagraph}\lipsum[1]
\subparagraph{Test subparagraph}\lipsum[1]

Now, the title will be italicized and won't be indented; the text will start on a new line.

enter image description here

I, however, don't know how to implement this in LyX.