[Tex/LaTex] \subsubsubsection, \paragraph and \subparagraph count not reset when starting a new section, subsection, etc


I am trying to use subsection, subsubsection, subsubsubsection, paragraph and subparagraph on my article, and I using a code that was given below.

How to add an extra level of sections with headings below \subsubsection

The solution was posted below:

\subsubsubsection count not reset when starting a new section, subsection, etc

But I am still unable to get proper numbering.

I admit that I am using article class because I am new to Latex and dont know much about other classes.
Also, some would argue that I dont need so many indentations but in my reports I unfortunately have 9 levels of indentation that I want to show in ToC.

Below is my MWE




{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}

  {3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus.2ex}%
  {3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus .2ex}%




\section{Section 1}
\subsection{subsection 1}
\subsubsection{subsubsection 1}
\subsubsubsection{Subsubsubsection 1}
Some description here
\paragraph{paragraph 1}
Some description here
\paragraph{Paragraph 2}
Some description here
\subsubsubsection{subsubsubsection 2}
Description here
\subsubsubsection{subsubsubsection 3}
description here
\subsubsubsection{subsubsubsection 4}
description here
\paragraph{paragraph 1} 
Some description here
\paragraph{paragraph 2}
some description here
\paragraph{Paragraph 3}
\subsubsubsection{subsubsubsection 5}
description here


PDF Result

As you can see from ToC, paragraph 1 under subsubsubsection 4 started from (I want it to start from
Similarly paragraph 2 under subsubsubsection 4 should be respectively.

Best Answer

The immediate problem is that you need the counter for paragraphs to be reset when you start a new subsubsubsection. To do this, all you need to do is add:


Note, though, that you probably will also find you want to add some further resets depending on the structure of your document.

More generally, I have to say that the fact that you find the need to do this indicates to me that you need to rethink the structure of your document. Even if you are writing a book or thesis (for which article would not be a suitable class), 9 levels is just going to be confusing. The only exception is probably legal documentation which seems to positively require insane levels of hierarchy. I think you should really be asking what you expect your readers to gain from the structure in terms of clarity. If the answer is nothing or, worse, greater complexity and confusion, you know you need to rethink.

However, this is TeX SE and so I can provide a 'solution' with a clean conscience since the site is not in the business of ensuring people write well, but only of assisting them to write whatever they do in TeX.




{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}

  {3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus.2ex}%
  {3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus .2ex}%




\section{Section 1}
\subsection{subsection 1}
\subsubsection{subsubsection 1}
\subsubsubsection{Subsubsubsection 1}
Some description here
\paragraph{paragraph 1}
Some description here
\paragraph{Paragraph 2}
Some description here
\subsubsubsection{subsubsubsection 2}
Description here
\subsubsubsection{subsubsubsection 3}
description here
\subsubsubsection{subsubsubsection 4}
description here
\paragraph{paragraph 1}
Some description here
\paragraph{paragraph 2}
some description here
\paragraph{Paragraph 3}
\subsubsubsection{subsubsubsection 5}
description here


Excessive levels shown in TOC