[Tex/LaTex] Springer Nature LaTeX Template and Tikz Issue


The springer latex template is not working with Tikz.
Link: https://www.springernature.com/gp/authors/campaigns/latex-author-support
Output error:

l.16 \input
! Missing \endcsname inserted.
<to be read again> 






\title[Article Title]{Article Title}

\author*[1,2]{\fnm{First} \sur{Author}}\email{iauthor@gmail.com}

\affil*[1]{\orgdiv{Department}, \orgname{Organization}, \orgaddress{\street{Street}, \city{City}, \postcode{100190}, \state{State}, \country{Country}}}

\affil[2]{\orgdiv{Department}, \orgname{Organization}, \orgaddress{\street{Street}, \city{City}, \postcode{10587}, \state{State}, \country{Country}}}





Best Answer

As Simon posted a second before me:-) This can be simplified to





The program package makes | active already in the preamble which is rather optimistic, uncommenting the catcode setting restores the standard behaviour. this is probably preferable than using a local copy of the class that will not work for submission.